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Understand Your Web Usage

The extension allows you to visualize usage statistics in your browser. An easy way to discover what you're wasting your time on.

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Block Distracting Websites

Block any sites that take up a lot of your time. This will help you focus and not waste time on distracting websites.

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No ads and free

You get an easy way to manage your time

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General statistics for all time

General statistics
for all time

Get data slice of your web activity for all the time, average usage time and other statistical useful data.

Web usage screenshot
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Dy days statistics screenshot
Comparison of time by day

Comparison of time by day

Analyze your usage time by day to see the trend of your web activity.

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Block Websites

Understanding and managing time leads to increased productivity. Use extension to be productive and successful.

Web limits screenshot
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I don't usually review extensions but this is so good! One of my BEST Extensions so far! Thankyou so much! ✨ No-Ads, and feature-rich. Even dark theme support!

Tube Relevant

Available on the Chrome Web Store Available on the Microsoft Edge Store
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