Don’t let your inspiration slip away.

Your Space for Creativity
Organize & Generate everything you like.
PackPack.AI - AI-powered bookmark manager browser extension | Product Hunt

Collect everything in one place

Write notes & to-do lists

Simple text editing and task management make it easy to organize.

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Upload images & files

PackPack supports all common file types including JPGs, PDFs, Word, Excel, common design files and many more.

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Save text, images & links from the web

The Web Clipper lets you save inspiration and ideas from any website with 1-Click.

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Add notes & photos & videos & links from your phone

Anything you save in the app will be ready to organize as soon as you're back at your computer.

Discover continuously

Pack Pack seamless scrolling layout lets you browse and discover content effortlessly as you explore.

PackPack is used by

Creative directors


Interior designers

What our clients say

  • “ Best bookmark manager for research ”

    PackPack allows me to save and organize crucial documents and articles for my research work. The AI-powered Q&A feature is incredibly useful for quickly reviewing content.

    John Smith


  • “ Perfetto per l'ispirazione artistica ”

    Come artista, raccolgo molta ispirazione visiva da vari siti web. La funzione di tag delle immagini alimentata dall'IA di PackPack mi aiuta a trovare facilmente i riferimenti artistici salvati. La funzione di salvataggio con un clic è un vero salvavita!

    Leonardo Verdi


  • “ Unverzichtbar für Projektmanagement ”

    Mit PackPack kann ich alle wichtigen Projektdokumente und Webseiten effizient speichern und durchsuchen. Die Synchronisation über verschiedene Geräte hinweg macht es zum perfekten Tool für mein tägliches Management.

    Anna Schmidt


  • “ Ideal para gestionar recursos educativos ”

    Utilizo PackPack para guardar artículos y materiales educativos. La integración con IA me permite encontrar y organizar la información de manera rápida y eficaz, mejorando la preparación de mis clases.

    María García


  • “ 一元保存で仕事が効率化 ”


    高橋 一郎


  • “ AI 북마크 관리의 혁명 ”

    다양한 블로그와 뉴스 기사를 저장하고 관리하는 일이 이제 너무 간편해졌어요. 특히 AI 요약 기능이 시간 절약에 큰 도움이 됩니다. 강력 추천!




Can I save in one browser, then access my saves on another brower or device?

What types of content can I save with PackPack?

How can I save content to PackPack?

Will my saved content on PackPack expire?

Does PackPack save my Q&A interactions?